Abrasive pastes

5 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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abrasive paste
abrasive paste

... -based abrasive paste can also be used on plastic parts as long as they are not very porous. Since it is absolutely odorless and very easy to use, it makes work easy and pleasant. Thanks to its characteristics, ...

boat abrasive paste
boat abrasive paste

Abrasive liquid paste, particularly aggressive when polishing paints and gelcoat, for the removal of grooves, scratches, haze or flaws caused by sanding, painting and finishing touches. Great to use both ...

boat abrasive paste
boat abrasive paste

tooling abrasive paste
tooling abrasive paste
P 600

High-cutting and shining compound just created for removing, in the fastest way, marks and P600-800 sand scratches according to the hardness of treated resins, including the swirls caused by roto orbital sander; It has a rapid glossy ...

boat abrasive paste
boat abrasive paste

S0 Brayt a polishing paste is designed for professionals – manufacturers, shipyards and products where it forms the outer layer of the technical gelcoat or industrial topcoat with a high hardness. S0 removes imperfections ...

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Sea-Line Troton sp. zo.o.
abrasive paste
abrasive paste

S07 Heavy Cut Sea-Line is specialistic polishing paste with a very high cutting force which guarantee quick removal of defects and grinding scratches from a different kind of gelcoat (especially for polishing of industrial ...

See the other products
Sea-Line Troton sp. zo.o.
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