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- Aquaculture oxygenator
Aquaculture oxygenators
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... of marine products. A homogeneous volume of water in temperature and oxygen is created, thus enabling the storage of all aquaculture products.
Deployable Oxygen Concentration System (DOCS) 80 is a lightweight, mobile oxygen generator that can be deployed and setup with minimal effort. Advantages Lowest power consumption and maintenance cost in the market place Very compact ...
floating compact enrichment system pioneering technology safe operation / maintenance free motor located above the water surface low energy costs - very effective clogging free available in two size 0.37 and 0.55 kW
The Pentair Sea Pen Oxygenation System is a flexible and robust dissolved oxygen management platform. A unique pod-based approach allows the flow of compressed oxygen to be controlled and balanced throughout each sea pen site. Each pod ...
In order to dissolve oxygen into the water, we use technology proven to be reliable and energy-efficient. We recommend one oxygen saturator per tank for easy regulation and monitoring of dissolved oxygen levels.
... combined with SOLVOX C to meet even the highest oxygenation demands. Installed in flow-through and/or recirculating aquaculture systems, SOLVOX OxyStream now also supports the largest land-based production projects. ...
Closed cylindrical oxygenator, working at low pressure, treating water flows from 10 to 375 l/s, and able to dissolve until 400% of the saturation, with a pressure of 0,65 bar. Made in Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP)
Roots Blower is used in aquaculture on the working principle of blowing the oxygen into the water. Roots blower uses the high pressure to transport the oxygen so that aqua animal can get enough oxygen they needed. It ...
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