Black buoys

7 companies | 11 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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mooring buoy
mooring buoy
General Surface Support

... extensively used in single-point mooring (SPM) systems. The three main types are cylindrical buoys, chain-through buoys, and pick-up buoys. General surface buoys are ...

See the other products
DOOWIN - Underwater Lift Bags & Water Weight Bags
mooring buoy
mooring buoy

Foam mooring buoys are in service for inland waterways and offshore instead of traditional steel mooring buoys. The cylindrical mooring buoy is one kind of representative mooring buoy. ...

See the other products
DOOWIN - Underwater Lift Bags & Water Weight Bags
mooring buoy
mooring buoy
Suitcase Anchor Pendant

Suitcase anchor pendant buoys are manufactured from resilient closed-cell unsinkable foam core around the inner central steelwork covered in polyurethane elastomer coating. The suitcase anchor pendant buoy ...

See the other products
DOOWIN - Underwater Lift Bags & Water Weight Bags
multipurpose buoy
multipurpose buoy

The subsea solid buoyancy material (syntactic foam) is a solid compound obtained by filling an organic polymer material with an inorganic light-weight filler material through a physical and chemical reaction. The deep-sea buoyancy material ...

weather buoy
weather buoy

Diameter: 700 mm
Height: 500 mm
Buoyancy: 150 kg

beacon buoy
beacon buoy

Diameter: 2,550 mm
Height: 5,000, 4,400 mm

The polyethylene buoys of the PBM25 series are designed for both sheltered and open-sea waters. They are characterized by minimal maintenance. Manufactured in high quality virgin rotomoulded polyethylene, filled with ...

beacon buoy
beacon buoy

Conical inflatable mark made of re-enforced pvc 1000 gr/sqm. Diameter 95 cm x Height 150 cm. Fitted with various fixing points ( 3 at the base / 1 at the top ) and one high quality inflatable valve.

perimeter buoy
perimeter buoy

Diameter: 160 mm - 1,650 mm
Height: 230 mm - 2,100 mm
Buoyancy: 2 kg - 2,425 kg

... inflation & deflation. Marker buoys are often used by Work Boats & Commercial vessels when marking areas at sea for different purposes, such as swim areas, prohibited areas, working areas, marking of water ways, etc. Marker ...

beacon buoy
beacon buoy
JET 2500

... association) regularly intervenes at Caye Gros Loup to rescue pleasure boats stranded on the reef. This eastern cardinal buoy will prevent further accidents ; visible day and night, the traffic light located 3 meters ...

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