Boat kite propulsion system

2 companies | 5 products
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boat kite propulsion system
boat kite propulsion system

LibertyKite 10m² this size facilitates the implementation on small boats (from 4m) and will allow you to discover without risk the rudiments of kite traction (kiteboating) in favourable winds, to enjoy ...

boat kite propulsion system
boat kite propulsion system

... types of boats from 6 m, which can be towed alone with a bit of practice. It will become an indispensable element on board in favourable winds, to take advantage of the silence, to increase your autonomy, your visibility ...

boat kite propulsion system
boat kite propulsion system

LibertyKite 40m2 is a traction kit including a kite and a launching and lowering system. We also carry out a study with our teams and accompany you in order to optimise the installation of the LibertyKite ...

yacht kite propulsion system
yacht kite propulsion system
WingCommander X60

WingCommander X60 - the system is designed to sail vessels up to 60' feet boat length with the kite only. With the WingCommander the system can be flown fully automatic. ...

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WINGit Germany
boat kite propulsion system
boat kite propulsion system
WingCommander X120

... consumption of the ship. Our kite systems make it possible to power your boats with kites. Kites fly much higher than traditional sails where the wind ...

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WINGit Germany
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