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... flexible booms. The flexible nature of the boom also minimises the stresses and weakness which can occur with more rigid booms. Single point inflation The boom ...
Vikoma International

The protection of maritime areas from invasions of algae (sargassum) or jellyfish requires the use of long-term resistant booms. Our Zeus barrier retention nets resist extreme conditions: 200 km/h wind, 4m swell. This ...

Our anti-pollution dam is designed to protect maritime and river areas from various pollution. The set is made from a high-tenacity polyester fabric coated PU/PVC resistant to hydrocarbons, waterproof and imputrescible. The float ...

The ECOMARINE boom is the most advanced offshore boom systems available today. The boom expands instantly during deployment, due to coils of high-pressure air hoses taking a spiral shape ...
Markleen Terra

... use of floating anti-pollution systems is the tourism development of the region. The Debris Booms type Okean-Net are the most endurable floating booms which have the broadest range of applications ...
Okeanis - Floating Booms & Barriers

... . The Okean-FloatNet has been developed in order to offer solution to a difficult technical part of permanent floating boom’s deployment in shallow and rough water conditions. Is considered as the ideal solution for ...
Okeanis - Floating Booms & Barriers

... Retention Floating Boom Advantages - - The floating boom Okean-NetBoom is designed for permanent use and for the retention of oil, foam, vessels, seaweeds, litter and debris. The combination ...
Okeanis - Floating Booms & Barriers

The floating debris barrier strains the unwanted objects on the water(wood, timber, plastic waste, grass, ice fragments) and it also strains the objects below the water surface. The floating debris barriers will minimize your facility’ ...

All connection bolts use 316 L stainless steel. the swivel of the chain link is based on 5 tons of breaking force. Alyminium used in its surface is manufactured from sea water resistant material. The modules are connected together by ...

... oil containment boom, designed for short or long-term deployment in calm and protected waters such as harbors, marinas and coastal industrial facilities. Equipped with rectangular, solid foam floats and vertical stiffeners, ...
New Naval Ltd.

FLOATING OIL CONTAINMENT BOOM/BARRIER SOLID FILLED CURTAIN BOOM The Scorpion C-Series is a cost effective, multi-role solid flotation oil containment boom, designed for a variety of ...
New Naval Ltd.

... CONTAINMENT BOOM / BARRIER INFLATABLE CURTAIN OIL BOOM The Scorpion A-Series inflatable oil containment boom is a versatile and effective solution used to contain and control oil spills ...
New Naval Ltd.

... correct distribution of stresses in the booms when being towed by a boat. It favors the control of the booms during maneuvers. Anchoring equipment: It is an essential element for the installation of ...

... correct distribution of stresses in the booms when being towed by a boat. It favors the control of the booms during maneuvers. Anchoring equipment: It is an essential element for the installation of ...

... correct distribution of stresses in the booms when being towed by a boat. It favors the control of the booms during maneuvers. Anchoring equipment: It is an essential element for the installation of ...

... . Colours: grey, red, yellow and blue. Features: heavy boom, strong containment capacity. Suitable for dredging, each section is equipped by points of anchoring (holes) The boom is mandatory ...
Vira Soluzioni

protection for calm waters and harbours, suitable for quick interventions. Ready for use, storage on reels, it contain all floating elements in the water surface. For permanent istallation too. Materials: Made of rubberized fabric ...
Vira Soluzioni

... sections of booms. by stainless steel bolts or with a fast system (hinge and pin). Dimensions: customizable on reques Colours: white, blue, red, grey, green, yellow (other colours available on request) Features: light ...
Vira Soluzioni

Silt curtains are semi-permeable marine booms used to contain turbidity, siltation, and sediments and prevent them from spreading during any marine job or activity. This type of silt curtain is used in sheltered locations ...
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products Manufacturing LLC

Silt curtains are semi-permeable marine booms used to contain turbidity, siltation, and sediments and prevent them from spreading during any marine job or activity. This type of silt curtain is used in exposed locations ...
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products Manufacturing LLC

Silt curtains are semi-permeable marine booms used to contain turbidity, siltation, and sediments and prevent them from spreading during any marine job or activity. This type of silt curtain is used in exposed offshore ...
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products Manufacturing LLC

Bolina Debris Booms Control marine debris & pollution at vulnerable sites. Bolina Debris Booms are used for pollution control in sensitive areas, such as industrial sites, nature reserves or mangrove ...

Ecobarrier Silt Curtains Control and contain silt and sediment. Ecobarrier Silt Curtains (also called turbidity curtains, silt screens or silt barricades) are designed to contain the fine particles of silt that are discharged into ...

Oil Booms Protect marine environments from oil spills. Our Oil Booms are primarily used in port, harbour, pipeline and intake projects, and can be implemented in marinas and waterways as well, to ...

... -Sweep System is manufactured in the tough Ro-Boom 1500 offshore containment boom, with individual 3 metre buoyancy chambers, tapered down at either end to match RO-BOOM 1300, which is ...

... Deniz’s Oil Fence Boom is solid flotation boom which offers economical, well-proven oil containment. Oil Fence Boom’s Model range from sheltered/calm waters, low current conditions through ...
Mavi Deniz

The Foam Filled Oil Boom (FOB) is a solid light-weight float containment boom that is easy to use and store. The boom is ideal for emergency and permanent use in sea conditions from calm ...

Resinex booms are usually used for containment and retrieval operations in case of spillage of hydrocarbons, for solid floating wastes, seaweed and micro-organism. These booms, used for the safeguard ...

... anti-pollution boom can be use for the control of hydrocarbon and macro-waste pollution. It can be used offshore, in open coastal waters, estuaries, rivers and port zones. The BALEAR anti-pollution boom ...

... minutes. Zooom Boom's will, in all deployment scenarios, self-inflate without the need of any mechanical assistance, inflation blowers, manhandling, boom reels, hydraulics, compressors, or mechanical ...
Versatech Products

The pneumatic oil-containment barrier is currently the best method for containing spilled oil on the water. Rising air bubbles create a horizontal current that moves in two directions on the waters surface. Floating oil cant pass through ...

The Barrier Float is an innovative and adaptable floating barrier that provides visibility, protection and separation for any required span of water. The Barrier Float has been designed specifically to alert, delineate and protect any ...
Marinaquip Ltd

... knots or 3.5 feet per second) and/or wind and wave action which can affect the curtain. NEW PermCurtain – The permanent boom platform is modified to utilize as a reusable top and the curtains are replaceable according ...
Parker Systems Inc.

... BCM250 is the new professional pollution prevention floating dam developed by Pollustock. If this robust and versatile floating boom allows thanks to its weighted skirt of 50 centimeters to retain all the surface pollution ...

... -filled Booms are the most proven product in Oil Spill Containment. With 100% RF welded seams for maximum strength and reliability, lightweight, full closed cell foam flotation and continuous bottom tension/ballast, SeaCurtain ...

... provide flexibility. Curtain booms have a higher buoyancy weight ratio than Fence booms, offering a better response to waves when being towed. These booms are quick to set-up, easy to ...

... MaxiMax oil spill containment booms have low storage volume and can be stored on pallets or wound on reels. This system is especially useful for ports and harbors where a quick response is required. These containment ...
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