Displacement hull small boats

3 companies | 4 products
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outboard small boat
outboard small boat
400 Light

Length: 4 m
Width: 1.5 m
Motor power: 25 ch

The ARMEN 400 Light is a HDPE boat which is equipped according to the needs of professionals (oyster farmers, mussel farmers, fishermen, etc.) or boaters (fishing, river, tender, etc.) The hull shape ...

See the other products
ARMEN Initiative
outboard small boat
outboard small boat
500 Light

Length: 5 m
Width: 1.7 m
Displacement: 0.35 t

See the other products
ARMEN Initiative
outboard small boat
outboard small boat

Length: 16'04"
Width: 6'00"
Displacement: 450 kg

Black Pepper Yachts has redesigned this small flat-bottom outboard boat to take on the clean lines of the fishing boats of the 70s, while incorporating some luxurious features. The ...

electric small boat
electric small boat
Siesta Solemaran

Length: 3.25 m

The Solemaran Siesta is driven by an electric motor which allows it to be used also in nature protection areas or other noise-sensitive zones. The construction consists of two floating bodies with two connections, an anti-slip deck, two ...

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