Double parasail bars

5 companies | 8 products
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double parasail bar
double parasail bar
Doubleizer Sp

The Doubleizer Sp Bar is the newest in our passenger bars, it’s compact design allows it to be as narrow as possible but still fits two people side by side comfortably, it’s intended for use on small ...

double parasail bar
double parasail bar

The Doubleizer Bar has been a mainstay of the parasail industry since the mid 90’s, a simple design to allow balancing of two people flying side by side, the bar is capable of balancing ...

double parasail bar
double parasail bar
Doublizer Sp RS

Custom Chutes’ bars are leaders in the industry in design and safety, we have seen reluctance for maintenance by the operator who is far from us when the passenger bar needs new straps. So we have designed ...

double parasail bar
double parasail bar

Double the fun, or for commercial operators, double your profit with our world acclaimed Doubleizer bar systems. Now an established favorite with operators worldwide since 1995 the ...

double parasail bar
double parasail bar

The Doubleizer Bar, also known as the Passenger Bar, is an alternative for those who do not prefer the front-back seating position. By using the Doubleizer, 1 or 2 people can fly by sitting next to each other.

double parasail bar
double parasail bar

... latest version of the Tripleizer bar which is now color coded to make life easier, still designed to be used with parasails bigger than a 30. It is possible to fly 1 or 2 people without needing to remove ...

double parasail bar
double parasail bar

... The unique Sportlite Slider System allows the operator to balance the total weight of the flyers, centrally beneath the parasail, quickly and easily.

double parasail bar
double parasail bar
Rack Doubleizer

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