Emergency rudder blades

2 companies | 4 products
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sailboat emergency rudder blade
sailboat emergency rudder blade

The rudder is easily attached to the airvane tower by means of spindles and spur gears. If the rudder is included with your CapHorn windvane gear, the spindles are welded to the tower. If ordered separately, ...

sailboat emergency rudder blade
sailboat emergency rudder blade

We built this emergency rudder for a J30 that planned to race offshore, cutting it down a bit in size from the standard item and making it considerably lighter. It has a laminated hood for a tube tiller

See the other products
Competition Composites Inc
sailboat emergency rudder blade
sailboat emergency rudder blade
Sunfast 36

We built teh rudder blade and cassette for this emergency rudder for a Sunfast 36.

See the other products
Competition Composites Inc
sailboat emergency rudder blade
sailboat emergency rudder blade
TP 52

This was one of the first emergency rudders we built, for a first generation TP52. We provided the cassette as well, which attached at a gudgeon plate fitted to the backstay tangs and used lines to a ...

See the other products
Competition Composites Inc
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