Galvanised steel dock fingers

4 companies | 5 products
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concrete dock fingers
concrete dock fingers

... a boat between mooring fingers is indisputably the most convenient and safest mooring choice available. It allows for easy docking with a minimum of crew. The SF Marina range of mooring fingers covers ...

galvanised steel dock fingers
galvanised steel dock fingers

Mooring fingers can be delivered in length: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12m. Mooring fingers facilitate boat parking and allow to park more boats in Marinas. Walkable fingers facilitate getting in ...

galvanised steel dock fingers
galvanised steel dock fingers

Mooring fingers can be delivered in length: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12m. Mooring fingers facilitate boat parking and allow to park more boats in Marinas. Walkable fingers facilitate getting in ...

galvanised steel dock fingers
galvanised steel dock fingers

Fingers and catways are the optimal complement for the mooring in safety of boats, facilitating the operations near the pontoon and landing of people and goods. The finger structure ...

galvanised steel dock fingers
galvanised steel dock fingers

A special pontoon designed for use against quay walls in rivers or harbours A special floating pontoon designed for use against quay walls in rivers or harbours This articulating finger ...

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