Impregnating oils

6 companies | 7 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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impregnating oil
impregnating oil

Traditional impregnating oil for teak. Let the surface dry, when the wood is perfectly dry, apply our TEAK OIL. After 10 – 15 minutes from the application, take any excess oil ...

impregnating oil
impregnating oil

... Apply one saturation coat onto cleaned new wood, previously oiled or preserved wood. Let the Teak Oil soak into the wood, then remove surplus oil with a clean cloth.

impregnating oil
impregnating oil

The TEAK OIL is an extremely nourishing oil which penetrates and durably protects teak in outdoor environments. Formulated specifically for the marine milieu, this TEAK OIL guarantees ...

impregnating oil
impregnating oil

AQUAEOUS WATER-REPELLING SATURATOR FOR TEAK Colourless. Reduces significantly the ability of wood to absorb water. The product starts working 30 minutes after being applied. The full water-repelling effect is reached 48 hours after ...

impregnating oil
impregnating oil

*O1 TEAK OIL is one-component oil for exotic wood which is difficult to impregnate,e.g.: teakwood, mahogany, ipe wood, movingui wood, etc. *O1 TEAK OIL protects wood from dampness and ...

impregnating oil
impregnating oil

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