Life jacket sprayhoods
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... chamber • Equipped with ventilation holes for easy breathing • Provided along with donning and storage instructions & sprayhood folding instructions • Meets the requirements of ISO 12402-8 Suitable for Sigma, Alpha, ...
LALIZAS | Life Saving Equipment

Designed to be integrated to all our lifejackets MODULO HX 170/310, SPINNAKER 180 e SKIPPER EVO 275 models.

Suitable for our lifejackets SKIPPER 150 and SKIPPER EVO 150. Code: 09145/SK

The Spray Hood stores in the lifejacket after being fitted. Designed to fit over your head and inflated lifejacket to make you more visible and to reduce the amount of spray you inhale. Stored inside your lifejacket Fits over the ...

The EVAL Sprayhood is designed to increase the chance of survival by reducing the risk of secondary drowning. It provides added protection against waves, reduces the amount of spray inhaled and enhances visibility of ...

For rescue overall AROV20/V40. Protect the face against water splash and gulls.Easy to add to the suit.

Besto to enquire which jackets can be fitted with a sprayhood.

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