Monobloc propellers

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4 companies | 5 products
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ship propeller
ship propeller

The choice of which propeller is suitable for you depends on speed, draught and your sailing profile. Veth Propulsion offers a suitbale solution for every situation.

ship propeller
ship propeller

The Kaplan propeller has a combination of aerofoil sections and double ogival sections towards the tip. The blade contour has a wide tip that is designed to run with a close fit to the inside of the nozzle. Each Kaplan ...

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VEEM Propellers
ship propeller
ship propeller

... Skewplan is designed for use on trawlers, tugs and long liners and incorporates many features not found on competitors’ propellers. Blade foil sections have been modified to suit modern trawling and bollard pull applications, ...

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VEEM Propellers
ship propeller
ship propeller
Kaplan 3B & 4B

The Austral Kaplan style propeller is the major part of a complete ducted propeller system. This specially designed propeller is mounted within a venturi shaped nozzle which for highly ...

ship propeller
ship propeller

E-Kaplan propellers used on tugs and hardworking trawlers .You can develop greater thrust than open or free propellers. They are manufactured to operate in nozzles. You can get maximum thrust with E-Kaplan.

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