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Brass rowlock. Finish .L Polished .C Chromed Passage rowlock 40 mm 48 mm

CHROME BRASS ROWLOCK With brass socket, 52 mm.

A.290 Rowlocks & Sockets Small Nylon Rowlock High quality in-house injection moulded nylon 6 rowlocks to suit oars from 38mm to 45mm. Side and centre mount rowlock ...

A strong lightweight corrotion free black Rowlock for rowing boats up to 3.5m (11ft) also available in white, for use with both top mount (R5052) and side mount (R5042)

Made of rugged, flexible polyethylene Adjustable and long-wearing oar collar Installs quickly and easily Oar Collar can be trimmed to fit smaller oars Includes all fasteners Inside Diameter: 1 3/4″

6570 Rowlock not included Grey RAL 7035 130x90x35 mm 12 mm Rowlock not included Grey RAL 7046 130x90x35 mm 12 mm Rowlock not included Black 130x90x35 mm 12 mm
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An oarlock is a horseshoe-shaped fitting that holds an oar for rowing on the gunwale of a small boat or at the stern for sculling.
ApplicationsThese fittings are used for sculling with a single oar at the stern or rowing with a pair of oars mounted on the gunwales of small craft. They are found on rowboats, tenders, small sailboats and the like.
TechnologiesThe shaft extending from the bottom of the lock's curved part slides into a cylindrical fitting mounted in or to the gunwale. The oar shaft rests in and is supported by the lock. Most are made of plastic, though brass and stainless steel models also exist. Inflatable tenders often use a different system. A a hole in the oar shaft slips over an articulated pin which is an integral part of the pontoon.
How to chooseOarlock and oar shaft diameter should be close enough to prevent excess play. Aesthetics may also be considered, especially when fitting out traditional craft. The base plate holding the female part of the lock must be compatible with gunwale configuration.
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