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- Outdrive antifouling
Outdrive antifouling
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Special antifouling paint for propellers, stern drives, shafts and other underwater metallic parts. It provides outstanding adhesion and efficacy. Resistant to galvanic currents, that are the main responsible of film ...

This incredibly hard antifouling has been specially formulated for use on outdrives, outboard legs, propellers and sterngear. Designed to be applied using an aerosol, it makes it far easier to reach difficult ...

Tikal Prop Gel Propeller anti-fouling Tikal PROP GEL is a novel teflon-based propeller anti-fouling product Tikal PROP GEL is a creamy, very adhesive, soft paste which is painted onto the cleaned propeller. The ...

Antifouling specifically formulated for the protection of propellers, shafts, stern-gear, flaps, etc. where highest adhesion and abrasion resistance is required. It is copper and tin-free and therefore suitable for application ...

A special formulation of antifouling with CDP technology. Seasonal protection. Suitable for any kind of surface, aluminum included. Ideal for propellers, outdrives, outboard motor-boat and any kind of ...

... Silver Speed HARD Antifouling is a hard antifouling paint, effectively preventing fouling organism: aquatic plants and animals or slime. *Ideal paint for professional and consumer application on ...
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