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- Sailboat cushion
Sailboat cushions
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Ornamental cushion in attractive dark blue and white fabric to use either in the cockpit or below deck in the saloon.
Cockpit cushions are a must for all sailing boats. Sitting on cockpit cushions makes a big difference to the sailing experience! We make customized cockpit cushions with matching decorative ...
... sailing should not be at the expense of comfort, cockpit cushions have been designed to style the cockpit and make it welcoming and even cosy depending on the model. NV advantages: The cushions ...
The solution is our pillow in 3 parts which is fixed by Velcro directly in the dies with an ultra small size when the product is deflated. The process and the materials are validated for marine use: resistance to shocks, UV rays, salt ...
... memory cushion for helmsman and crew. Lab One®, a specially designed ball cushion for comfortable support when heeling on your boat. The pressure exerted on the seat compresses the filling to create ...
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