Semi-hard matrix antifouling

5 companies | 6 products
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boat antifouling
boat antifouling

Semi-hard antifouling, suitable for medium speed motorboats or boats used extremely frequently. Based on modified vinyl resins, cuprous oxide and antislime compounds. Not suitable for ...

boat antifouling
boat antifouling

boat antifouling
boat antifouling

Monterey is Sea Hawk’s solvent-free antifouling formulation that is designed to give the best protection against all types of marine fouling, while remaining friendly to the environment. Monterey is a semi-hard, ...

boat antifouling
boat antifouling

NEO’s special formulation makes it suitable for usage on motor boats as well as sailing boats, whether these boats are in dry or deep-water harbours. Its controlled erodibility prevents overcoating during annual maintenance operations. Hiding ...

boat antifouling
boat antifouling

Long life mixed matrix antifouling, with a high copper content and biocides, wich are particulary effective in all types of water for sailing and motor vessels up to 25 knots. Can be applied on polyester, ...

boat antifouling
boat antifouling
N51X200 Series

SeaGuard Hard Vinyl Antifoulant provides a hard, durable coating for use in fouling waters. Ideal for use on vessels subjected to frequent abrasion of the hull. For brush, roll, or spray application. RECOMMENDED ...

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