Ship smoke signals

4 companies | 6 products
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floating smoke signal
floating smoke signal
MK9 - 9537000

... compact, flat top, day time distress signal designed to be easy and safe to handle. It provides effective position marking during rescue operations and can be used to indicate wind direction, producing dense orange smoke ...

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Chemring Marine
floating smoke signal
floating smoke signal
MK8 - 53685

... compact, flat top, day time distress signal designed to be easy and safe to handle. It provides effective position marking during rescue operations and can be used to indicate wind direction, producing dense orange smoke ...

See the other products
Chemring Marine
floating smoke signal
floating smoke signal

Emergency signal for marking the position in case of distress Art.No. 54001 Buoyant Smoke Signal, orange Duration of burning: > 3 min. Limit of age to consumers: Not under 18 years! UN-No. ...

orange smoke signal
orange smoke signal

Combined Light & Smoke Man-Over-Board Lifebuoy Marker for use by day and night with a unique 360° light-emitting LED, all-round visibility The PyroPol ManOverBoard CF4 – SOLAS/MED approved – is a combined Light & Smoke ...

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PyroPol GmbH
orange smoke signal
orange smoke signal

... buoyant daytime orange smoke distress signal providing effective position marking or indicate wind direction The PyroPol Signal Orange Smoke CF3, conforming to SOLAS/MED/USCG, ...

See the other products
PyroPol GmbH
orange smoke signal
orange smoke signal

Particularly suitable for yachts, dinghies and sailboards, this water resistant, hand- held signal produces a dense orange smoke for daylight distress signalling and wind direction indication.

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How to choose this product

A ships smoke signal is a rescue device which produces a regular stream of smoke visible from a great distance. The smoke is usually orange or another color highly visible at sea, and lasts at least three minutes. The different types include hand-operated and floating with invertible light.


Smoke signals must be used only in true emergencies to indicate the position of a shipwreck or castaway. They are very effective when there is little wind.


Once activated, the smoke emerges from a waterproof case. The signal is designed to continue working even when slightly submerged.

How to choose

Smoke signals mounted on the bridge wings or otherwise exposed to the weather must be in a sturdy case suitable for the stowage location. They also must comply with SOLAS regulations.


- High visibility


- Affected by wind
- Only effective in daylight