Telemetry interfaces for sensors

2 companies | 4 products
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ROV telemetry interface for sensors
ROV telemetry interface for sensors

The Hydro-Lek 40 channel telemetry control system comprises a transmitter/joystick control box and a subsea receiver pod. The transmitter has 6 four function joysticks, 2 motor pump ON/OFF controls and control of a tooling valve.

ROV telemetry interface for sensors
ROV telemetry interface for sensors

... are fitted to enable the pumps as well as the extra valves not actuated with the joystick controls  A Power On LED and telemetry link LED are also fitted

ROV telemetry interface for sensors
ROV telemetry interface for sensors

The Hydro-Lek 32/40 channel telemetry control system comprises a transmitter/joystick control box and a subsea receiver pod. The transmitter has up to 6 four function joysticks which can be configured to suit individual ...

telemetry interface for sensors
telemetry interface for sensors

... combined with Akvasmart camera system, it centralises your camera and sensor data in an easy-to-use software environment. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Akvasmart Environmental Sensor System ...

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