Underwater drills

4 companies | 6 products
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magnetic underwater drill
magnetic underwater drill
2 1345 0010

Rotational speed: 40 rpm - 250 rpm

... hydraulic magnetic core drill for drilling up to dia. 100 mm as well for underwater operation. ATEX Specification - II2GExhIIT5Gb Energy source - Hydraulic Operating pressure - 140-180 bar Direction ...

driver underwater drill
driver underwater drill

Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 1,500 rpm

... Waterproof Drill was designed for the worker or boater who needs a portable electric drill when working in wet conditions or underwater. The Waterproof Drill may be used ...

magnetic underwater drill
magnetic underwater drill

Inherently safer than electromagnetic drills in hazardous atmospheres and wet environments where electricity requires "hot work permits" Completely air-operated Pressurized coolant system lubricates cutter ...

See the other products
CS Unitec
magnetic underwater drill
magnetic underwater drill
2 1345 series

Rotational speed: 40 rpm - 250 rpm

Ideal for industrial, construction, marine and mining applications Drill structural steel and other metals Reversible motor for tapping Standard equipment includes: Hydraulic hose set Coolant ...

See the other products
CS Unitec
pneumatic underwater drill
pneumatic underwater drill
2 1903 0010

Rotational speed: 380, 700, 750 rpm

Woodboring Air Drills - Reversible Ideal for drilling wood in marine timbers, underwater use and railroad repair work 1/2" woodboring chuck style Thrust bearing support for long life ...

See the other products
CS Unitec
magnetic underwater drill
magnetic underwater drill
Miko Fix®

... fastening system for underwater drilling and fastening. The compact and versatile system can be used for a large variety of underwater tasks, including operations where hydraulics or pneumatics are normally ...

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