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- Propulsion system sensors
Propulsion system sensors

With the DTLP-CAT-001 Pro Series control system for Azimuth thrusters, you operate and control the speed & steering direction of the thruster in a 360° direction. The operating functions can be controlled by means of touch screen push ...
Thrustleader Marine Power System

Atlas offers high performance, technologically advanced AC and DC marine switchboard systems. TecPOWER® designs range from basic manual to fully automated operation, according to your specifications. Increasing degrees of automation and ...
Atlas Marine Systems

LOW-SPEED DIESEL ENGINES ~ MEDIUM, HIGH-SPEED DIESEL ENGINES serious failures can be found early or predicted. Recently, responding to the requirements of engine builders, the manufacturer has developed the sensor type MD-SX oil mist ...
Daihatsu Diesel Pro

Navix offers wide range of switching appliances and control panels. Products are usually tailored to customer´s needs.

The cooling water quality control system PETDIESEL® is the first system designed for providing the most suitable solutions for both control and maintenance of diesel engines cooling circuits.Totally designed and built by PETER TABOADA®, ...

Visualization, interaction and aesthetics go hand in hand when designing your panels. Radio Zeeland DMP panels provide perfect situation awareness and control feedback by means of LED annunciation. These LED’s light up as soon as the ...
Radio Zeeland DMP

How does one moor a ship with a high degree of accuracy? And how does one keep a ship in position even in challenging circumstances? The Marpower Drives are specifically prepared for these tasks. The Marpower Bow/Stern Thruster application ...

Not just a boat GPS tracker, but more ….. Satellite based boat gps tracking, boat security and boat monitoring with high precision. Email Notifications | 2-Way Texting | Daily Status Report | Mobile Application Satellite for the ...

Remote data acquisition system coming from two engines with CAN Bus J1939 protocol interface. Data can be displayed in real time on portable devices using Wi-Fi connection and forwarded to a remote application accessible from web. All ...

Plug and play installation. No disassembly of the tank is needed. Measures from the top, never risk of leakage. Complete system, everything included; sensor, cable, 3M cleaning wipe and an extra 3M sensor tape. Handles voltage of 12-24 ...
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