Other adhesive and coating products

8 companies | 10 products
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sealant tape
sealant tape

Principally used as a pipe thread sealant. Rolls on dry, permanently seals joints and at the same time provides lubricant so the joint can be opened with ease at later date Stable through a temperature range of -450˚F (-268˚C) to 500˚F ...

See the other products
sealant putty tape
sealant putty tape

Sealant tapes compatible with most bagging films. Ideal for use on all type of tools. Sealant tapes are used to from a seal between the vacuum bagging film and the moulding tool surface.

sealant tape
sealant tape

Self-adhesive corrosion protection bandage on one side thermoplastic, shrink-resistant butyl rubber Sealing of rivet and screw seams, flange and fold connections ​Sealing boat windows, hatches and superstructures Prevents contact ...

sealant putty tape
sealant putty tape

High quality, neutral, single component sealer for construction joints. Based on a hybrid polymer, it does not conta in silicone or polyurethane and it perfectly adheres on wood, metal, glass and other surfaces. lt is odourless, highly ...

sealant putty tape
sealant putty tape

THE POLYMER SEALANT GLUE is intended to achieve the joints teak decks, but also the tightness of windows orglass surfaces. Sealant ideal for sealing and jointing battens bridge. Sealant elastomeric polymer based MS. Neutral productcontaining ...

sealant putty tape
sealant putty tape

Due to our involvement in many forms of production, our customers are using a wide variety of tacky tapes as their application variances are wide . Some of our high volume medium exotherm requirement clients choose to you our economically ...

reefing hook
reefing hook

The TDS Reefing Hook is developed for clean up, removing caulk or other sealants from a seam. Before using the TDS Reefing Hook, a razor knife should be used to free the caulk from the sides of the seam. TDS Reefing Hook is specially ...

sealant tape
sealant tape

Liquid Electrical Tape (LET) is easy to use, providing an airtight, waterproof, dielectric coating in minutes. The coating will last for the life of the application, yet it can be removed immediately as needed. One application will protect ...

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