Center console power catamarans

27 companies | 47 products
center console catamaran
center console catamaran
West Coast Run

Length: 6.2 m
Width: 2.3 m
Motor power: 80 ch

Following busy end of summer deliveries and three boatshows, Cheetah Marine are extending the season and heading south. A towable 6.2m is available for testing on the water with demonstrations of launch and recovery throughout the west ...

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Cheetah Marine
catamaran small boat
catamaran small boat
Catamaran Electrico

Length: 6.2 m

Flash Catamarans is pleased to announce that it has signed a lightweight agreement to market as Broker, the new solar catamaran Solliner, a boat with a very innovative design and 100% solar - powered, completely silent, and at the same ...

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