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A sailboat block consists of one or more sheaves held between two cheeks. It increases mechanical advantage and can b...
A single block has only one sheave and is often used at the end of a line run, just before a cleat or a winch.
A cheek block is mounted flush against a part of the vessel and serves to properly orient lines for convenient maneuv...
A swivel block turns on a shaft mounted at the top. It is widely used as a sheet blocks.
A rigging screw is used to tighten or loosen cables with fixed ends. It often constitutes part of sailboat standing r...
A block with a becket has a second attachment point at the end opposite that of its main anchoring fitting. It is oft...
Sailboat cordage includes sheets, halyards, roller reefing gear and other lines found on board. Some types are more s...
Waterproof bags are very useful for transporting personal belongings, clothes and equipment without getting them wet.
Thanks to its shape and mechanism, a snap shackle can be used for the rapid, temporary attachment of gear.
A lashing block is one using a shackle made of technical fiber.
Deck shoes protect the sailor's feet from seawater and UV rays, and feature non-slip soles.
A carbon mast is the modern version of the vertical spar supporting the sails on a vessel, be it sailboat, windsurfer...
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