Burners for ships

1 company | 4 products
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water tube type burner
water tube type burner

The SAACKE steam pressure atomizer is designed for firing medium and large sized water tube boilers such as auxiliary and main boilers for tankers and FPSOs. The unique SAACKE design features staged combustion air supply and distribution. ...

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ship burner
ship burner

the compact and extremely robust SKVJG-M Monoblock Rotary Cup Burner allows the use of the high viscosity fuels common in the industry. The larger control range of the rotary cup compared to other technologies increases the maximum efficiency ...

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ship burner
ship burner

This series covers the range of high load ranges, high control ranges and the heaviest fuels, which place extreme requirements on a firing plant, yet still offers high availability and safety. The advantages of rotary cup atomizer technology ...

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ship burner
ship burner

The GCU (Gas Combustion Unit) developed by SAACKE makes the safe transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at sea possible. It utilises surplus boil-off gas completely and with maximum availability. The GCU combines a burner with an ...

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