UNI-Kleber 140 is a special and solvent-free liquid adhesive used on artificial leather, wall-coverings, ceiling- coverings and insulation materials. It is recommended for surfaces such as wood, glass fibre and corrosion-protected steel or tin.
Colour: milky-white / transparent when dry
Consistence: medium viscosity / used for coating, rollable, sprayable
Danger class: non toxic
Characteristics: temperature consistent from -30 °C up to +120 °C
Consumption: on one side 120-150 ml/m² - both sides 200-260 ml/m²
Fertility: 750 ml approx. 4 - 5 m² - 5 l approx. 30 m²
Storage: approx. 12 month at +5 °C to +30 °C, keep free of frost and direct exposure to the sun!
Can / 750 ml: € 17,90 (per liter / € 23,87)
Bucket 5 l: € 96,00 (per liter / € 19,20)
Specialized carpeting cements only on request