Dedicated turbocharger designed and optimized for marine auxiliary engines
First dedicated turbocharger from Accelleron Turbocharging designed specifically for small bore medium-speed marine auxiliary diesel engine platforms with up to 2MW power output.
MXP is a dedicated turbocharger with a simplified design, offering great value to engine builders and operators of marine auxiliary engines with a power output of up to 2MW.
Dedicated turbocharger
First dedicated turbocharger from Accelleron Turbocharging designed in a development cooperation with IHI specifically for small bore medium-speed marine auxiliary diesel engine platforms with up to 2 MW power output.
MXP has been designed to fulfill the specific needs of the marine auxiliary market in terms of operation, efficiency and maintenance. The dedicated technology enables optimum operation and performance for auxiliary engine applications. In addition, the dedicated marine auxiliary turbocharger has with fewer parts, thus simplifying its maintenance.
Optimized design
MXP provides high performance turbocharging in part load conditions to meet requirements for the actual auxiliary engine operation range. Also optimized for excellent load response behavior, MXP delivers high efficiency at part load with no additional air assistance equipment required.
The simplified, yet robust design enables trouble-free operation under HFO conditions. ‘Designed for service’ it allows for condition-based maintenance (CBM), contributing to lower operational expenditure.