Creating expectations is always dangerous, but we at Advance Kites want to say… “Please expect something extraordinary out of this kite”.
The Kaiman "S" will satisfy your highest expectations, and you will still be surprised!
Everything has been tuned and optimized for over 15 years.
Good aerodynamics, canopy tension, low-wind power and a massive wind range made the Kaiman a known kite, capable of delivering high jumps followed by unparalleled hang times and planning.
The 2016 Advance Kites Kaiman “S” comes with a revolutionary bridle tuned and developed by our engineer and rider C. Tarozzi after years of tests and calculations.
A special pulley very much facilitates kite twisting, making the kite able to turn on itself without losing fly speed.
Direction changes no longer take place through an increase in aerodynamic resistance, but through an asymmetrical twist of the profile.
A new, lighter construction made easier the torsion of the kite structure, improving the quality of the flight turn.
Better than any other kite, 2016 Advance Kite Kaiman “S” flies even in the lightest wind and delivers an excellent performance in all its large wind range, making the most stable kite in the market and a perfect choice for beginners and enthusiast riders alike.
Tuned-up, the 2016 Advance Kaiman “S” delivers a performance level that will be much appreciated in wave riding and in particular for riders surfing strap-less, where it's necessary to have a kite able