All American Marine Inc. built the 48’ x 21’ catamaran for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The R/V Auk will operate in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, located at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay. The sanctuary is 638 square nautical miles and is located approximately 25 miles east of Boston, Massachusetts.
The R/V Auk is the second research vessel built by All American Marine Inc. for NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary program. The 48’ catamaran is a shorter version of the previously built R/V Shearwater, which operates in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, CA. Fabricated with all-aluminum construction, the vessel includes a unique hull shape with integrated hydrofoil technology developed by Teknicraft Design of Auckland, New Zealand. The Teknicraft hull shape offers a very stable research and dive platform as well as a smooth ride when cruising throughout the sanctuary. Additionally, the integrated hydrofoil system provides lift for the semi-displacement hull and aids in maintaining excellent fuel efficiency while cruising at higher speeds. Craig MacDonald, Superintendent of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary states, “I’ve heard nothing but praise from the operators and the sanctuary scientists who want to work on it. As a dive platform it is fantastic and what the divers really like is the unique forward exhaust system that allows the divers to emerge out of the water and board the vessel without being gassed by the fumes.”
Features of the research vessel include both a wet laboratory for examining specimens and a dry laboratory for processing data.