The first amphidromic electric ferry
Marseille Ferry-boat, which has been inaugurated on February 1st 2010, is fitted with a no-emission electric propulsion that can work in both directions, in order to make operation easier in Marseille old harbour.To move this ship, designed in a Phocaean style by Jean-Frasca designers and built at Gatto shipyard, Alternatives Energies has developped an original propulsion system that uses capacities of podded propulsors, already perfected by AltEn for its own ships.To move equally forward and backward, pods have been fitted in the longitunal plane of the ship. Whatever direction the ship moves, pods are rotated at their best efficiency . When the "Mistral" is strongly blowing from one side, pods can be orientated to remove ship drifting. Pre-programmed functions allow the crew to easily rotate the ship, to cancel drifting or to switch direction.