The ARESA 5000 - 4000 vessel has been designed to carry out support missions in the offshore maritime area, being able to carry out material transport tasks to the offshore platforms and also the transport of personnel in total safety and comfort conditions.
This vessel can equip all the necessary systems for the development of missions in the offshore area, such as DP Dynamic Positioning Systems, Gyro Stabilisation Systems and fire fighting systems for other vessels or for the offshore platforms themselves.
Equipped with the most advanced electronic navigation systems that allow the constant monitoring of the vessel's activity from its base on land, being able to register its position at all times, the different fuel consumptions on board or receive all the images from the video cameras installed on the vessel itself, in order to obtain a real-time control, via satellite, of all its activity in the offshore area.
Oil Platforms Support
Multi load transport
Fuel Supply
Passenger Transport
RIB’s transport