HydroPOD (HPD) is an hydraulic POD. It can transfer to the propel-ler 500 [HP] of power output and 2500 [Nm] of torque. Its shapes, simple and cJean, are the resuit of a spécifie hydrodynamic analysis to obtain the least possible résistance to advancement. HPD is made of aluminium a/foy and is compact and light, only 360 [kgs] of weight. Aluminium enhances the shapes and makes the POD looking élégant at the stern, even on prestigious boats.
Installation onboard is very easy, thanks to a dedicated plate, easily applicable at the stern, with ail the connections (electrical and hydraulic). With rts particular kinematics it can go up and down, it can be trimmed and can rotate 360 degrees.
Ail these movements can be single or multiple and occurring simulta-neously, to obtain the best propeller position with various trims of the boat, obtaining the maximum propulsion efftciency.
HPD is abfe to provicie maximum torque at low rpm, aHowing fast accélérations and a rapid plarvng phase. The 360-degree rotation offers great manoeuvrability to the boat, even with a high-pitch propeller, and allows the use of a joystick to control ail movements.
This particular type of transmission allows the use of diesel engines or efectric engines to run the hydrauüc pumps, in order to use it also as a "green" propulsion System.
The hydraulic valves placed on the cylinders protect the boat from any possible damage causedby colüding with objects on the propeller, be-cause the HPD lifts itself automatically without damaging the huit.
HPD is the onty System on the market that can work as a stem-drive or as a surface propeller and with pushing/pullirtg propellers.