Stable electrical power is essential and expected on luxury yachts today, but all too often the lights on board will flicker or go out and systems essential to the enjoyment of the yacht such as the air conditioning have to be limited because of the available power from the dock. By installing a ShorPOWER® ULTRA LP™ these problems become a thing of the past.
Worldwide Power
The ULTRA LP automatically connects to any low voltage marina power source worldwide and provides clean, stable and reliable marine power supply for the yacht. Ideal for yachts under 120 feet the Ultra LP is fully compatible with all types of marina breakers and complying with marine shore power supply regulations, having an ULTRA LP on board makes the yacht a truly global vessel.
Advanced Power Design
The ShorPOWER ULTRA LP marine shore power frequency converter utilizes state-of-the-art technology including the latest in power semiconductors and grain oriented transformer technology, all controlled by a high speed digital control system to produce a pure output sine wave with no distortion.