The TecPOWER® TPB Series power management system provides breakthrough technology for marine electrical systems. Now, Atlas Marine Systems has made the Automated Power Management capability usually found on vessels 120’ and above available to smaller vessels with limited space. Technology advancements in control components have allowed full power management controls to be placed in the same size enclosure as a manual switchboard. This results in a giant leap forward bringing smaller yachts in line with larger yachts.
Sophisticated Power Management
The TecPOWER system is available with various degrees of automation and power management. Motor operated circuit breakers enable push-button or touch screen selection of power sources. Many other features can be integrated to create a total power management system such as automatic generator engine control and paralleling.
Easy To Use
Designed with ergonomics and ease of operation in mind, the TecPOWER system is very user-friendly and simple to operate, even for an inexperienced crew member. All metering and controls are easy to view, and easy to understand. Independent meter groups are provided allowing separate monitoring of each power source.