Adjustable Dog Tensioners that provide equal tension on all points, ensure a water-tight seal
Built-in “Never Lose” handle
A simple 1/8th-turn of the handle provides smooth, easy and secure engagement
Thicker Dog Arms for superior strength
Positive visual verification: When the handle is down, the hatch is secured
Inside escape bar on all units (optional inside turning wheel available)
Subtle design improvements make the BFHQ stronger, more water-tight than our competitors’ similar units
Cast from high-grade corrosion-resistant 356 aluminum alloy (ASTM B26)
Maximum durability, stronger deck strength and impact resistance
Stainless steel T-handle and operating hardware
Dissimilar metals isolated by neoprene and nylon
Machined surfaces and superior casting processes control tolerances
Neoprene cover gasket and sealing ring ensure tight seal