Becker Flap Rudders with KSR support guarantee the best possible manoeuvrability for your vessel at all speeds and at the lowest possible rate of fuel consumption.
Optimum balance and flap area
Minimum steering gear size
Highest insurance against flexural vibration, best values of natural vibration
Rudder angles of 45° and additional 45° of the flap, in special execution rudder angles of 65° and additional 45° flap angle may be applied
Easy maintenance of link and hinge system
Highest safety against cyclic stresses
Durable in ice
The FKSR Becker Flap Rudder is the ultimate rudder solution when it comes to ship manoeuvrability. With decades of research, development and practical experience behind it, this rudder is the most mature design of all flap rudders in the shipbuilding industry. Optimised profiles, rudder balance, deflection ratio between rudder blade and flap, hinge and link systems guarantee a reliable and efficient tool for your vessel.