New high-build undercoat to be applied by spray application directly on the following fillers: EPOYACHT, EPOLIGHT or EPOMAR. Thanks to its raw materials, it enhances the final results, notably when it comes dark finishes, and help level out potential touch ups in refit works. It can boast excellent adhesion features that, combined with a good sandability, allow to obtain surfaces on which it will be easy to apply further epoxy and polyurethane undercoat coats.
Component A - 3,04 l
Component B - 0,96 l
Theorical coverage3 - m²L
2nd coat min/max - 24 h / 72 h (20°C)
Sanding - 24 h (20°C)
Pot life - 6 h (20°C)
Catalysys volume ratio - 3:1
Spray thinner and % dilution - 693 | 20%