Autonomous. Resident. Intelligent.
ARV-i, the next generation of underwater monitoring technology, designed by Boxfish Robotics and powered by Transmark SubSea. This cutting-edge autonomous underwater resident vehicle is a game-changer, designed to revolutionise the way we monitor underwater environment, including industrial sites monitoring, reef and artificial reef monitoring, invasive species monitoring and more.
ARV-i operates fully autonomously, guided by advanced programming and onboard intelligence that allow it to seamlessly locate and inspect underwater environments. When its mission is complete or its battery runs low, ARV-i autonomously returns to its proprietary docking station, where it wirelessly recharges and transmits valuable data collected during mission.
Innovation in underwater observation
ARV-i is an entirely new class of underwater observation vehicle, combining cutting-edge technologies from both Boxfish Robotics (underwater vehicles, photography and robotics) and Transmark Subsea (underwater power and communications infrastructure and systems). Applications abound in offshore industries that require underwater observation and inspection.
Fully autonomous and self-piloting
In resident mode, ARV-i can be fully autonomous with its self-piloting systems taking advantage of the existing Boxfish ROV platform, such as the advanced stability and maneuverability of its eight-thruster design. Additional proprietary artificial intelligence onboard enables the ARV-i to optimize movements within its environment.