The BRAČA-SPORT® Spanish Family product line is specifically designed for the traditional summer regattas of Mediterranean and Northern Spain.
There are five distinctly different oars; each one is based on the specific requirements of the five different vessels:
• The Batel: - four rowers and one timonel
(’timonel’ - controls the tiller)
• The Trainerilla : - six rowers and one timonel.
• The Falucho: - eight rowers and one timonel.
• The Llaut: - eight rowers and one timonel.
• The Trainera: - thirteen rowers and one timonel.
CLASICA: The first type of spanish blade made by BRAČA-SPORT®.
ISPANA: A new blade design introduced in 2014. It has a sharper spine for better stability throughout the stroke and a reduced volume making it easy to keep underwater.
The Spanish Family oars represent the perfect marriage of traditional design with the latest achievements in composite material technology.
This high quality carbon construction guaranties the needed stiffness while still remaining incredibly lightweight.
Custom options of blade geometry and oar length that correspond to the technical specifications of each athlete are also available. All custom requests are kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. Please contact your representative for details.