Increase propulsion efficiency by applying the optimum nozzle profile
A ducted propeller gives up to 30% higher thrust at low speed compared to an open propeller.
Brunvoll HE nozzle profile is recommended for ships with high bollard pull requirements and low propeller load at higher vessel speed.
The 19A nozzle profile is recommended its good overall performance in different operation conditions.
The 37 nozzle profile is recommended for ships with high priority to equal performance in both flow directions, typically DP and astern operation.
Brunvoll is optimising the propulsion efficiency by applying the most suitable nozzle profile for the given service profile.
Feathering Propeller
Feathering is an option on standard CP-propeller systems. On a feathering propeller the blade angle can be arranged in line with the water flow.
This reduces the water resistance and gives the following advantages;
power reduction by shutting down one of the two propellers in twin screw systems
allows for maintenance at sea of one shaft line while the other is in operation
With twin screw installation and one side out of operation it is possible to reduce requirements for the shaft brake with CP-propeller.