Whether your yacht is motor or sail, large or small, C-Quip’s design engineers can offer a customised solution to meet the highest specifications. We will work closely with you to satisfy the needs of each project.
Our hydraulic side boarding stairs are powered by an electro hydraulic system with a programmable logic controller. Once extended, the stairs can rest on the dock, with a "float mode" setting allowing it to rise and fall with the tide, or it can be set in a fixed position.
Three types of housing (stowed) options:
Stowed in the bulwark:
Completely concealed in the yachts bulwark when stowed our hydraulic boarding stairs fold down and are able to rotate out to 90 degrees.
Stowed Under Deck:
Completely concealed below the main deck when stowed these boarding stairs slide out from their housing, then luff down. Where required these stairs can also rotate out to 90 degrees.
Stowed Under Deck in a Transverse Housing:
When stowed our centre housing boarding stairs are completely concealed under the deck in a transverse housing in the yachts hull. The stairs extend out the side of the yacht can rotate forward or aft to 90 degrees.