12ft Skiffs
Mast Features: Plastic track bonded, halyard slots top and bottom, 5mm carbon plate to accept mainsail shackle and spin halyard sheave shackle, reinforcement for hounds and mast-step, heel plate with rectangular key way, 2 sets of carbon spreaders either on bands or glued and bonded in place (excludes standing rigging)
Int. 14
C-Tech masts for the Int. 14 are manufactured using light weight, super reactive UHM carbon fibre.
16ft Skiffs
C-Tech has several oval profiles suitable for carbon 16ft skiff booms. Carbon #1 and #2 prods are also available from C-Tech. Feedback from Australia on the masts is that the boats are higher and faster with a C-Tech rig.
18ft Skiff
Masts are supplied in 2 pieces, with the tip pre-fitted and ready to join on arrival.
Carbon fibre spreaders can be supplied on bands, ready to be attached on arrival. Laminates are adjusted for individual crew weights. C-Tech's 18ft Skiff components are manufactured from pre-preg carbon fibre.