Cigar bar cabinet Kali by Cigars Time offers a large humidor and space for spirits. Offered in large selection of wood or lacquered finishes.
The Kalì reveals its secrets going from closed to open, and its unlimited options are truly astonishing. Its central section is a display case for cigars: made in Spanish cedar wood, with its own dynamic humidifier as well as a Peltier cell cooler. The cigar display case has three adjustable, removable trays with a front panel in extra clear glass and two sliding shelves. The display case has LED illumination for low power consumption.
But, once it has been opened, the Kalì also reveals it contains a bar unit: 4 side doors that you simply press to open, fitted with special, sliding shelves designed to hold bottles and make the handling of the bottles as effortless as possible while safeguarding optimum storage conditions. What's more, the central section of the unit also has a handy leather-covered surface, again with easy opening.