A compact aluminium cleat rigged on a rope. The Clamcleat® CL828-68 is part of the smallest of the Aero cleat range. Strong and wear resistant. Easy to rig and adjust by hand. The CL828 Aero base is fitted with the CL268 aluminium Micros cleat. Compact and strong. Ideal for sports netting, canvas structures, tie-downs radio masts and aerials.
This cleat is a favorite for dinghy and small sailboat footstrap adjustment. See above for 2 GP14 rigs. Southeast Sailboats have developed a kit for tensioning Laser footstraps that is both simple to tension & release as well as being race legal.
The position of the cleat on the rope can be adjusted by hand. No tools required. See the Dowloads tab for Drawings and Leaflets.