The HD rudders provide an excellent manoeuvring performance, which is proven in practice and in the most stringent towing-tank trials. These high-efficiency rudders can be used with or without a nozzle. They have an asymmetrical profile and are always applied in a pair. The HD rudders have been especially developed for inland vessels in combination with a 2, 4 or 6 rudder propulsion set-up.
The HD rudders have asymmetric rudder angles up to 80 degrees, providing optimal slipstream guidance. With these rudder you are assured of an excellent manoeuvring performance, also with low velocity (speed). They have a maintenance-friendly design and a long lifespan.
DMC advises:
The Van der Velden® Hydro spoiler for maximum performance. This spoiler improves the propulsion efficiency, increases speed and reduces vibrations and sounds.