The HP7000 is the world's safest proportional hydraulic installation. The control valve in the engine room can be operated directly via a hydraulic displacement system. As the rudder position indicator has its own backup system, this unique steering installation is completely independent of the electrical system. The HP 7000 can be used in combination with the latest autopilots.
The HP 7000 system consists of:
Alarm, Control and Indication unit
Full hydraulic steering system
TMU 2700 feedback unit
SP 1000 control and starter unit
The HP7000 is extra safe and performs highly above its class, this is because the system can operate without electronics and was approved and tested for marine standards in enclosed spaces with ambient temperatures from -5° up to +70°.
Exceptionally safe thanks to direct controls, direct link to emergency steering and two-ply connection
Fail-safe because of the hydraulically powered control unit for steering, instead of electrical
Easy, accurate and reliable start up
Quick and easy service
Suitable for vessels sailing on inland waterways
Ready for Internet Of Things (IOT)
The HP 7000 panel can be connected to additional units (i.e., alarms) and it will be possible to link to extensions for multiple operation locations and communication with external systems. This offers possibilities for indicating status information and data logging maintenance information, as well as internet applications to enable service and control from a remote location trough cloud connection.