The WAELS (Water Activated Emergency Lighting System) has allowed the Merlin Mk3 to gain an over-water flight clearance for over 20 troops, and should the aircraft suffer a controlled landing on to water, it will give those on board the greatest chance of escape and survival.
Features of WAELS:
Uses shock-proof halogen lamps tested to +40g deceleration forces
Has a self-contained power supply, activated upon contact with water
Employs NVG-compatible photoluminescent strips and exit marker signs to orientate cabin occupants during flight
Has a unique door jettison handle locator
Tested to UK turbid 5 (murky) conditions
Easy to retro-fit
Lightweight and affordable
Classified as Hazardous for Shipping Purposes – See PSDS
The WAELS system, although originally designed to highlight helicopter emergency exits, can be transferred for use on any platform, from rotary and fixed-wing aircraft to marine applications.