The Stormglass is a reliable barometer. Everybody who has one will consult it daily to see what the weather is going to do in the next 24 hours or so. Others use the Stormglass to predict when the fish are biting!
Whatever its use, there is no doubt that the Stormglass works. However, to date nobody have been able to provide a scientific explanation as to exactly why. Admiral Fitzroy, head of the British Meteorological Office, believed that it was down to static electricity in the fields around us. A revolutionary thought at the time!
For optimum use, place the Stormglass in a cool place, for example in a north-facing window or on a boat. As the name suggests, the Stormglass is best at predicting stormy weather within the next 24- to 48-hour period.
The Stormglass does not completely replace the barometer – but it is a good supplement. Always remember to listen to the weather forecast!
The Stormglass is a highly valued object for everyday use and is a popular gift; an example of genuine Danish craftsmanship.
Stormglass & suspension is made of brass coloured polished stainless steel.
Height 145mm.
Weight 450g.
How to interpret the crystal variations in the Stormglass:
1. Fernlike crystals are building up - Cold and stormy
2. Fernlike crystals are disappearing - Warmer
3. Star crystals are falling down - Frost
4. Crystals all over - Rain
5. Clear liquid - Fine and dry
The fernlike crystals will be highest in the windward side.
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