The Threadmarker is a dual use machine that provides a substitute method of short-term marking when a permanent mark is not desired, and for bundling cut pieces. Utilizing a needle, a thread is pulled through the material which allows the operator to determine where to place pleats, darts, buttons, or pockets. The Threadmarker LTM can also be used to bundle continuous toweling or bundles of clothes by binding them with thread prior to washing.
Provides a substitute method of short-term marking when a permanent mark is not desired
Designed for bundling cut pieces
Utilizing a needle, a thread is pulled through the material which allows the operator to determine where to place pleats, darts, buttons or pockets
Ensures matched pairs by eliminating loose cut patterns of varying sizes
Secures toweling by preventing separation and tangling during the laundering process
Maximum marking capacity of 6 in. (15.2cm) with simple looper mechanism for ease of operation
13 lbs. 3 oz. (5.75 kg)
Mark Diameter
3/64 in. (1.19mm) 1/16 in. (1.59mm) 5/64 in. (1.98mm)
Depth Capacity
2 in. (5.08mm) 4 in. (10.2mm) 6 in. (15.2mm)
All indicated specifications, dimensions, weights and performance data are approximate and subject to change without notice.