The ELME Spreader Model 589TB INNOVATION is the New Generation telescopic side lift spreader with vertical twistlocks for the handling of single empty 20 to 40ft ISO and Binnencontainers with a width up to 8’6”.
589TB INNOVATION is designed to be integrated in the mast of a forklift truck. The spreader’s head is hydraulically adjustable to handle ISO and Binnencontainer corner castings with container widths up to 8’6”. It also handles one 45ft container in 40ft’s position.
INNOVATION’s heavy duty single handling spreaders originates from the double handling design concept. The new and improved design implies a reinforced spreader with an increased structural strength, enhanced durability, optimized hydraulic system, increased visibility for the driver and numerous other improvements for an outstanding functionality.
Mechanical pile slope (MPS) in 589TB INNOVATION are vertical floating end-posts, including the bottom support. Floating end-posts simplifies picking up containers in a slanted angle.
The twistlock system is manufactured in a rugged design and is well-proven since many years. 589TB INNOVATION has hardened ISO quick exchange twistlocks, hydraulically activated and mechanical interlocking against faulty locking and unlocking. The vertical twistlock principle offers the following features:
• Two twistlocks enter the top corner castings and lock the spreader onto the container.
Technical specifications
Type of lifting system Two vertical ISO twistlocks
Type of stacking Normal and block stacking
Spreader weight (TW) 3 800 kgs