A real-time Cloud platform connecting your physical marine environment to a digital ecosystem
Marina solutions
Interconnection with marina softwares (Port logique, Alizée, Seaport)
Managment of the operations
Boater understanding and customized services
Real-time monitoring of available slips
Optimised scoring through boat identification
Centralize all information and data
Prioritize and dispatch the interventions among marina staff
Report anomalies from the water to the marina
Process intervention requests
View in real-time the status of the interventions: "to do", "ongoing", "finished"
Generate automatically intervention reports according to a protocol
Communicate with the marina
L'app has been designed to be used outside, under harsh marine environments: contrasted design, appropriate way of typing
The Falco connected boat is an innovative boat protection service offered by the port to its boaters. A wireless box aboard, connected to an app allowing the boater to:
d’être alerté à distance en temps réel en cas d’incident (intrusion, vol, choc, départ de feu, voie d’eau)
de connaître à distance conditions de confort à bord (température, humidité)
en cas d’évènement sur le bateau, de demander l’intervention de la capitainerie, et de suivre son déroulement
de bénéficier de réductions de la prime d’assurance et de la franchise (auprès d’assureurs partenaires)